SupportHanzi cards app Chinese character not displayingKavin 2010/10/25 上午 04:03:51
I bought the hanzi cards app for my iPad. It's great but for some reason, the Chinese character is not displaying. The space underneath the picture is blank, unlike the pictures seen on the app store, which shows the Han zi displayed. Can you please help? 已修正完畢,目前送審中 Hanzi cards app Chinese character not displayingKavin 2010/10/25 上午 04:03:47
I bought the hanse cards app for my iPad. It's great but for some reason, the Chinese character is not displaying. The space underneath the picture is blank, unlike the pictures seen on the app store, which shows the Han zi displayed. Can you please help? 已修正完畢,目前送審中 什麼時後會出...Travel Talk:美國旅遊一指通 繁中/英語balakinki 2010/10/18 上午 01:00:42
什麼時後會出...Travel Talk:美國旅遊一指通..繁中/英語; 我買了Go to Taiwan (English)...可惜只講中文,若中英文可以切換播放..我想再貴我都會買.. 什麼時後會出...Travel Talk:美國旅遊一指通 繁中/英語balakinki 2010/10/18 上午 01:00:41
什麼時後會出...Travel Talk:美國旅遊一指通..繁中/英語; 我買了Go to Taiwan (English)...可惜只講中文,若中英文可以切換播放..我想再貴我都會買.. 到底要買幾次,是騙錢的嗎?沒誠信劉邠如 2010/10/16 下午 12:44:54
您好,如題,我已經購買過遠流字典通的app,換了iphone4後重新下載,卻被重複收費, 1.扣款機制是Apple公司負責,每個月結帳給軟體廠商,軟體廠商並沒有個別客戶的購買資料,也無從控管是否要扣款。 |