Support您好~我是「快熟五十音」用戶...tkgoods 2010/11/1 下午 01:13:57
今天要重新下載時 由於出版社與作者的合約到期,在續約未談妥的情況下,我們被迫必須下架該產品且無法再維護更新程式。 你好 我是彭蒙慧英語忠實的讀者Yichia 2010/10/29 下午 11:26:34
我本來是用e-magazine 的讀者 ,但是後來覺得iphone的可攜性比較高 非常感謝您的建議,我們會將您的建議反應給出版社並提出討論評估可行性。 接聽電話英語Stanley 2010/10/27 上午 01:29:23
請問接聽電話英語何時有更新下載?我已買了很久但到現在我還無法使用!之前我已投訴好幾次,但到現在還未見到有更新下載!問題自4.0開始,現在已好幾個月了!感覺上好像給你們騙了錢的! 非常的不好意思,讓您久等了,我們已將解決的方式 E-Mail 至您的信箱了。 Hanzi cards app Chinese character not displayingKavin 2010/10/25 上午 04:03:51
I bought the hanzi cards app for my iPad. It's great but for some reason, the Chinese character is not displaying. The space underneath the picture is blank, unlike the pictures seen on the app store, which shows the Han zi displayed. Can you please help? 已修正完畢,目前送審中 Hanzi cards app Chinese character not displayingKavin 2010/10/25 上午 04:03:47
I bought the hanse cards app for my iPad. It's great but for some reason, the Chinese character is not displaying. The space underneath the picture is blank, unlike the pictures seen on the app store, which shows the Han zi displayed. Can you please help? 已修正完畢,目前送審中 |