
列印新聞內容 (ICRT Daily News app)
黃小姐  2018/8/30 上午 11:12:51


內容著作為 ICRT 所有,因此無法列印出來,只能在行動裝置上閱聽。謝謝!

Unable to download from Purchased app list.
Kin  2012/11/5 上午 03:16:46

Purchased the YL-Dictionary Pro. Unable to download from my iphone through appstore 's purchased list. From app store the app shown as not purchased. Order MGW9Y189DL Invoice 153007010085

David  2012/5/17 上午 02:16:23

This is a pretty decent app for the price, their are other apps that are free the track satellites and the space station. I read the app info and didn't see it offered. I did end up buying this app, but maybe that's something you can incorporate into the app.

Buy a book!
Evgeia  2011/11/2 下午 09:05:23

Hello! How can I buy a book?

YL Dictionary Pro
Anthony  2011/8/30 上午 02:14:24

Can I export the words saved in the bookmark to a PC file from YL Dictionary Pro (Ver. 2.5.002)?